Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 2/3

Yesterday I hurt a lot... both my muscles and my head. I guess that's what I get for not ever really working out in my life and then just eating crap cuz it was easier, faster and took no effort. I love my Doritos but I hadn't been eating them for a few months. My biggest downfall is coffee (I would drink it all day just like water) though I had cut down considerably for the last month to maybe 2 - 3 cups a day. Also, I love bread. I always tried to eat 100% whole wheat at minimum but I also really like grain breads. I will not be trying to get into any "no-wheat" breads for the 30 days though. I really want to prove to myself that I can go without bread all together so that when I do decide to add it back into my diet, it will not be on a daily or every meal of the day basis. I grew up knowing what was considered inexpensive and hearty and bread is definately one of those things. So I also grew up believing that it was the best thing to eat at every meal to feel full and satisfied. But as so many of you know, one leads to more so I have to erase that mental process so I am not dependant on it.

I didn't get rid of the garbage in my house either.... maybe a glutton but I haven't touched any of it. We are VERY tight on money right now and I have my husband to think about too. The foods we have in the house right now are the only foods we will have for a couple more days yet so I have just resigned to not go looking and so far has been awesome. I have dug frozen veggies out of the freezer and been making use of them. Also, I have been making salads and using chicken breast and eggs and nuts as my protein sources. This first week has been kind of bland and kind of rough but the last thing I wanted to do was let yet another 'hurdle' stop me from doing this "YET AGAIN". So I am in....

Excercising has been hard - I did not realize just HOW out of shape I was until trying to get down to do something like spidermans. I checked online for alternate ways and I am documenting everything in my journal so that I know when I have passed a hurdle. I feel like 35 going on 55 which is pathetic and will happen NO MORE. This is so much about personal growth and proving something to myself over anything else. If I get to prove to Dax that it works as well, all that much better.

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