Monday, June 7, 2010


I know I am late in the day but honestly my schedule is backwards to most. I work until very late some nights (I am a karaoke host) so today, I did not plan myself out very well. Tomorrow I will get on to more normal times. Already did the aerobics part and just finished Meltdown. Lots of problems with lunges and balance and spiderman exercise a LOT hard to do. Also, does anyone have any suggestions for how to reduce pain in my right wrist while doing pushups??

At least I have a benchmark.... now I can only get better from here, right?

Here's to the next workout and Day 2!! I am going to take a hot bath.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Muzikfree, I think some people find it easier to do pushup using a handle, I got some searching for Perfect Pushups, but you can also get handles from fitness suppliers, You could try doing them on your knuckles like the karate guys - of course then you'd be asking about how to deal with sore knuckles :-)
    I'm falling all over trying to do the lunges especially now we're a few days in and on the 3rd and 4th lots, think my gut is too big to make spiders easy - but will all improve, keep at it
